Monday, April 28, 2008

How to Make Money Online Part II: Mechanical Turk

Amazon's Mechanical Turk is the easiest way to make a significant amount of money online. A lot of places allow you to make a few cents a day, but at least Mechanical Turk allows you to make a couple dollars a day. There are always a lot of opportunities to complete tasks.

People post HITs (Human Intelligence Tasks) on Mechanical Turk and you get paid a penny or more to do them. The tasks are usually easy, like visiting a website or posting a comment on a blog or taking a survey. If the task is more involved, you get paid more. It adds up pretty quick, and you can easily make an extra $50-$100 dollars a month, depending on how much time you spend on it.

The trick to using the Mechanical Turk is to find a task that you can do over and over again. On the HITs page, included in each task description is the number of HITs available. Sometimes there will be a few hundred or even a few thousand hits available. This way you don't have to waste a lot of time searching for something that you want to do. If you're confused about the task, though, do it a few times and then wait a day to see if it was accepted.

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