Tuesday, April 29, 2008

Get Paid to Click sites

There are a bunch of get-paid-to-click sites, and a lot of them are scams. Paid-to-click sites are not economically feasible. People who need advertising pay to have their links put up on these sites, and then the site maintainers have to give that money back to people who click on the links. There are a few good ones out there, but before joining a paid-to-click website, check with PTC Talk (http://www.ptctalk.com/scamalert.php) to see if it's a scam.

The one good one that I have tried and know is worth the time is Adverbux (http://adverbux.com/register.php?ref=100815). It has a few get-paid-to-click links, but you can also play games for 1/10th of a cent. You can do this one hundred times a day, so you are guaranteed ten cents a day if you put forth the effort. This doesn't sound like much, but for get-paid-to-click sites, it's good. A lot of get-paid-to-click sites only have two or three links to click, so you can make two or three cents (without referrals). To get more money, get referrals. There will be sites that promise you a lot of money, but these sites don't usually pay out in the end. It's just not financially sound. Always check to see if a certain site has a history of not paying.

Go to Paid to Click (http://www.getpaidtowebsites.com/paidtoclick/) to find a few more good sites. When checking for more, be wary of pages with a whole bunch of ads for paid-to-click sites swearing that they're all the greatest thing in the world. These people are trying to get referrals and may not have reached a point where they can find out if the site will actually pay.

The only way to make a limitless amount of "money" while clicking links is to use a traffic exchange site. With traffic exchange sites you are not actually going to make money from the site but through traffic to your site, either by getting advertising for your business or by having advertisements on your web page.

With get-paid-try websites there are areas with links that you are paid to click, but the get-paid-to-try websites will be handled in another post.

1 comment:

Iago de Otto said...

Absolutely, one gets bigger bang for your click via traffic exchanges as opposed to any paid-to-click site. But if you do not know what you are doing with the TEs, you might as well stick with the PTCs. If you are trying to promote a business concern, whether it is a product of some sort or an online service (like a PTC program, ha ha!) directly through a bunch of TE sites, you very well could be just spinning the proverbial wheels. TEs are much more useful as a way to build a list of fans who will climb all over each other to buy from you again and again.


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