I started this so I can critique and give people information about various Internet activities (such as Internet dating, paid survey sites, money-making sites). I am going to give people the information I wish I had whenever I was taking part in some Internet fad. This will probably all devolve into random writings of mine in the future, but for now I will be informative and try to be helpful.
Candles are a very useful tool for meditation. You can use regular
candles with a specific color, or you can use these gemstone candles.
These candles have gemstones in the wax so as the candle burns the flame
reflects off the gem crystals. These are beautiful and you can choose a
specific gemstone to direct your energy.
I originally found these candles in the natural foods store in my town.
When I searched online for them, "gemstone candles" turned up gem candle
holders. After changing my searches around I finally found these
candles sold through Living Better Naturally. They are made by Angelic
Mercantile. I am writing this because these candles are very neat and interesting and I want anyone who is looking for something like this to have an easier time finding them than I did.
They have a variety of gemstone candles, including rose quartz, kunzite,
tourmaline, lepidolite, obsidian, peridot, and sugilite.
All of these pictures are pictures that I took of the candles that I bought. I am not an affiliate of either Living Better Naturally or Angelic Mercantile. I just think these candles are neat. Always be careful when fishing the gemstones out of the candle wax.
Jewelry in Candles
I am, however, an Amazon affiliate. So, if you don't care about gemstones but still like the idea of finding something in your candle there are these interesting candles available from Amazon. They each have a piece of jewelry inside.